A senior developer is more focused on the WHY rather in the HOW. So, a senior could write a sh*** code like everybody else. The difference is he/she is achieving the WHY over the HOW, for example, what if we need a fast code?. of what if we need a code that just-works? or if we need a code no matter if it is unsafe or not?. So, the “WHY” is important more than the code.
For example, what if we need to develop a project in a week. A senior developer won’t spend time on Unit Test.
Also, it’s not his/her responsibility to train the juniors, he or she could help but it is not their duty.
In a nutshell:
- A senior knows how the business works.
- A senior is invited to the meetings, not the technical meetings but the other meetings.
- A senior earns more because he (or she) knows how the business works
- A senior receives the worst projects (with more difficulty) and he has more responsibilities.
- A senior is not micromanaged anymore. He (or she) has the freedom to act. It means more responsibilities so it is not a PLUS.