PHP — Benchmark times!

PHP benchmarks
It is a collection of 3 PHP benchmarks
It is tested under PHP 7.4 + 64bits + Windows 64 bits but you could download it and test it by yourself (it is the idea)
Benchmark 1, Reference vs No Reference
Is it fast to use a reference argument or return a value?
function reference(&$array) {
function noReference($array) {
return $array;
Result (smaller is better)
For this case, it’s almost the double of fast to use a reference rather than to return the value.
Bechmark 2 Hash speed
We test the benchmark of the generation of hash.
HEX means that the result is resulted in HEXADECIMAL.
RAW means the result is binary. Sometimes HEX=RAW.
Result (short time is better)
JSON vs Serialize
It benchmark to serialize and de-serialize variables
object StdClass
$data=new stdClass();
$data->field3=new stdClass();
object (defined by a class)
$data=new MyClass();
$data->field3=new MyClass2();
Result (less is better)
While json_encode and serialize have a similar performance but there is a big difference between json_decode and unserialize. Also, array is still fast
Final Note:
Mileage can vary. Doubts and questions?, don’t be shy and comment.