So Google is selling some stuff.
The bait = a non real salary.
The hook = money, that most people will pay directly or via taxes.
It is exactly the schema of get-rich-soon.
It is possible to land a job without a degree but you can't do anything with a few-month-online-course.
Udemy said that over 80% of the students drops their courses, and from the rest 20%, it barely knows if they learning correctly.
So let's say 20% ends the course (it is not the same than they learn). And from them, 10% learned, but from that 10% some of them learned incorrectly (bad practices, outdated technology or simply and plain wrong) that is we exclude the cheaters. So the success rate is around than 2-3%. Now, let's say that I work for HR hiring people, and I try with people that obtained a degreed in Udemy, most likely I will lose my time trying to find a decent candidate.
In any case, we need an alternative to universities. Universities could be resumed as: glorified daycare for teens: It's a long lasting where people learning in the right way but the wrong topic.
For example, b-schools don't teach us how to date a meeting and it is vital. Instead, it teaches us the s-curve that everybody could do in excel in, how about, 5 minutes! (plus 1 minute and you have the chart!).
Engineers schools teach us in how to think but it is BS, we learn how to think in the "imprinting" (around 5-10 years), so universities pick the best one then they say "it's thanks to me!", no, it is not!,